
marc-rubin-aboutMarc Eliezer Rubin is a sculptor, installation artist, designer, builder and fabricator. He graduated California College of Art in 1983 and has received critical praise for his solo exhibitions at major galleries in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

In addition to rigorously pursuing his art, Marc has designed and fabricated for the film, theater, fashion, nightclub and architectural fields for prestigious clients such as Martin Scorcese, Annie Liebovitz, Vito Acconci, David Cronenberg, Caesar’s Palace, Jeremy Scott, MDA Studios, Comedy Central and DKNY to name but a few. (see acmestimuli.com for more)

He currently divides his time between NYC and upstate NY where he designed and built his custom home and studio recently featured in a major architectural magazine.

Artweek Magazine writes…

“Rubin’s pieces executed on a laudably ambitious scale, use humor and obsession to convey pointedly moral messages. The repetition of certain visual elements illustrates an internal consistency of viewpoint; specifically, he draws on psychedelic color, patterning and sensory overload to animate the various aspects of his sculpture. These devices can be seen as a means of seizing attention in a time of overstimulation and shortened attention spans. Rubin matches the speed and tempo of hype and so succeeds in pulling us into his instructional schema. There are rich visual rewards for those enticed into the world he has conjured up. Close scrutiny of the seething activity on the surface of his pieces reveals calculated and amusing interrelationships between carefully placed objects. Rubin’s inundations of visual material succeed in leading us to examine our cultural sins in such a way that this usually uneasy task becomes palatable. He seduces us into thinking about our otherwise reflexive behavior while diffusing, with derisive humor the tension that can render these issues unapproachable.”

-Jamie Brunson
Artweek Magazine